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储藏中药材孳生粉螨的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的调查不同中药材中粉螨孳生种类及其孳生密度。方法采取直接镜检和电热分离法分别检查过筛后的尘渣和阻留物。结果从74种中药材中分离出粉螨37种,隶属于7科21属,分别为粉螨属(Acarus)、食酪螨属(Tyrophagus)、向酪螨属(Tyrolichus)、嗜菌螨属(Mycetoglyphus)、食粉螨属(Aleuroglyphus)、嗜木螨属(Caloglyphus)、根螨属(Rhizoglyphus)、狭螨属(Thyreophagus)、皱皮螨属(Suidasia)、食粪螨属(Scatoglyphus)、脂螨属(Lardoglyphus)、食甜螨属(Glycyphagus)、嗜鳞螨属(Lepidoglyphus)、无爪螨属(Blomia)、栉毛螨属(Ctenoglyphus)、脊足螨属(Gohieria)、嗜渣螨属(Chortoglyphus)、果螨属(Carpogly鄄phus)、嗜霉螨属(Euroglyphus)、尘螨属(Dermatophagoides)、薄口螨属(Histiostoma)。粉螨的孳生密度从9.18只/克~226.24只/克。结论中药材中孳生的粉螨统属粉螨亚目,种类多,危害严重,应引起重视。  相似文献   
张家港地区蝇类调查报告   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文报告了1989年4月至1990年3月张家港地区蝇类构成、分布和季节消长规律。共捕蝇43866只,隶属4科26属46种,其中并棘泉蝇为江苏省首次发现。蝇类平均密度69.12只/日·笼,蝇类活动高峰期在8,9月份,蝇类季节消长与气象条件变化关系密切,蝇种分布与其孳生环境有密切关系,这些为控制和消灭蝇类提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
武夷山口岸白纹伊蚊孳生习性与种群密度调查   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
[目的]对登革热的传播媒介白纹伊蚊的孳生情况进行监测,防止登革热在武夷山地区暴发流行。[方法]对武夷山口岸及其周围环境中白纹伊蚊的孳生习性、种群密度进行了调查。[结果]仅查获白纹伊蚊,未发现埃及伊蚊。机场、居民村和渡假区的布雷图指数分别为13.86、7.59、53.26,其中毗邻机场的旧居民村布雷图指数高达109.26,是新居民村的5倍。发现白纹伊蚊阳性积水容器13种,机场生活区主要为快餐盒和电器泡沫包装盒,居民村主要为旧轮胎和旧缸罐等。[结论]毗邻机场的居民村白纹伊蚊布雷图指数较高,应做好监测工作。  相似文献   
以林肯链霉菌(Streptomyces linconinensis)0636为出发菌株,采用紫外线处理和理性化筛选,选出了林可霉素产量比出发菌株提高25%的高产变株,并考察了种子培养基和发酵培养基对变株发酵的影响。  相似文献   
探讨航天技术对必特霉素基因工程菌的育种效果。我国返回式搭载卫星对基因工程必特霉素菌种进行了航天育种,共搭载4个菌株以沙土、甘油、斜面等不同方式,经受航天环境条件处理后计算其孢子存活率、营养缺陷型出现率及菌株的发酵效价。在本实验条件下菌株的存活率均很低,尤其是沙土方式的致死率为100%,甘油及斜面孢子的致死率分别为99.79%~100%和99.81%~100%。营养缺陷型出现率为1.65%。存活菌株的负突变率高于正突变率。经筛选从408株正突变株获得了发酵效价提高11.3%~14.5%的菌株。航天技术有可能应用于基因工程必特霉素的育种,但适于其育种的空间条件必须经过详尽而细致的研究和控制。  相似文献   
目的探讨模型动物的营养要求与饲养管理规范。方法利用人肝癌细胞系接种于BALB/c裸小鼠(nu/nu)建立人肝癌动物模型,从提高饲料营养成分和加强饲养管理入手,逐步控制了模型动物瘤体生长,为肿瘤学研究提供科学方法。结果改进了饲料营养和加强了饲养管理,模型动物的生存状况有了很大的改观,带瘤存活时间明显延长。结论饲料蛋白质营养的高低,可直接影响模型动物的生存质量和动物实验效果,对其他动物模型的建立有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
Many songbirds in the temperate zones have comparatively short breeding seasons and are migratory. This often implies high breeding synchrony and competition for food, space, and mates. Tropical birds, in contrast, tend to be resident and react more flexibly to a more variable onset of environmental conditions conducive for breeding. Therefore, it can be expected that androgen metabolite concentrations in breeding males vary among birds from different latitudes. Studies on tropical birds, however, have revealed inconsistent results suggesting that additional factors not directly related to latitude, modify hormone levels. Furthermore, there is a potential for a phylogenetic bias when comparing birds of different taxonomic groups. In the present study, we compared androgen metabolite concentrations among closely related taxa of hand-raised male stonechats originating from tropical and temperate-zone populations in Kenya (0 degrees latitude), Kazakhstan (52 degrees N), and Ireland (52 degrees N), which differ partly in latitude of their provenance but also in the length of their breeding season (birds from Kazakhstan vs. Ireland). Hand-raised birds were housed in their natural photoperiod under otherwise identical environmental conditions. Androgen levels were determined from excrements to reduce disturbance. All three groups demonstrated a seasonal cycle of androgen metabolite concentrations concomitant with testis growth. Peak androgen metabolite concentrations were significantly lower in Kenyan stonechats compared to Kazakh stonechats. Irish birds had intermediate concentrations. Differences between Kazakh and Kenyan stonechats correlate with latitude, but data from the Irish population suggest the involvement of factors not directly related to latitude.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Some clinical studies suggest that an initial low-level response in ethanol sensitivity is a good predictor of risk for developing subsequent high levels of ethanol consumption in humans; however, there are some inconsistencies in the data. In experimental research, this association between low ethanol sensitivity and high ethanol intake has not been consistently reported in studies that have used rat lines that have been genetically selected for differences in ethanol intake under continuous access conditions (e.g., UChA versus UchB, P versus NP, AA versus ANA). The present study investigated ethanol sensitivity in high (HARF) and low (LARF) ethanol-preferring rats selectively bred under limited-access conditions. For comparative purposes, motor impairment induced by diazepam was also examined. METHODS: Motor impairment was assessed using the tilt plane. Ethanol (1.25, 2.0, and 2.5 g/kg, intraperitoneally) was administered to ethanol-naive male and female HARF and LARF rats, and their performance was assessed at t = 0, 30, and 60 min. Blood ethanol levels were measured in a separate group of ethanol-naive rats. Finally, in a separate group of male and female HARF and LARF rats, diazepam-induced (1, 3, and 10 mg/kg, intraperitoneally) motor impairments were evaluated in a similar manner. RESULTS: In the ethanol study, HARF rats showed greater dose-dependent impairments than their LARF counterparts. Male rats exhibited greater sensitivity to ethanol-induced impairment than their female counterparts. These observations were unrelated to sex or line differences in the blood ethanol levels achieved. Similar impairments were observed with diazepam, with HARF rats exhibiting greater motor impairment than LARF rats. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that selective breeding for high and low ethanol drinking in a limited-access paradigm has led to inherent differences in sensitivity to ethanol- and diazepam-induced motor impairments. The pattern of diazepam-induced impairments suggests possible variations in GABA(A) receptor activity, although more research is necessary to determine such involvement.  相似文献   
目的了解三带喙库蚊在浦东机场的分布与活动规律。方法帐诱法、灯诱法、人诱法和采集幼虫。结果三带喙库蚊是浦东国际机场的优势蚊种,510月均有危害;季节消长(灯诱法)呈波型,蚊虫于5月出现,78月达到高峰,910月逐渐减少至消失;昼夜动态(帐诱法),夜间活动,黄昏时有群舞习性,活动高峰为日落后1—3h,白天基本不活动;叮人频率(人诱法)最高为15次/15min;入侵室内概率小;幼虫孳生于池塘、水坑、洼地、沟渠等干净或稍污染的静止水体中。结论三带喙库蚊是浦东国际机场危害人类的常见蚊种,对其活动规律的研究可为控制策略的制定和虫媒病的管理提供信息。  相似文献   
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